Functor Parser |
The simplest way to write your hand coded parser that works well with the rest of the Spirit library is to simply write a functor parser.
A functor parser is expected to have the interface:
struct functor
typedef T result_t;
template <typename ScannerT>
operator()(ScannerT const& scan, result_t& result) const;
where typedef T result_t; is the attribute type of the parser that will be passed back to the match result (see In-depth: The Parser). If the parser does not need to return an attribute, this can simply be nil_t. The std::ptrdiff_t result is the number of matching characters matched by your parser. A negative value flags an unsuccessful match.
A conforming functor parser can transformed into a well formed Spirit parser by wrapping it in the functor_parser template:
functor_parser<functor> functor_p;
The following example puts the functor_parser into action:
struct number_parser
typedef int result_t;
template <typename ScannerT>
operator()(ScannerT const& scan, result_t& result) const
if (scan.at_end())
return -1;
char ch = *scan;
if (ch < '0' || ch > '9')
return -1;
result = 0;
std::ptrdiff_t len = 0;
result = result*10 + int(ch - '0');
} while (!scan.at_end() && (ch = *scan, ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'));
return len;
functor_parser<number_parser> number_parser_p;
The full source code can be viewed here. This is part of the Spirit distribution.
To further understand the implementation, see In-depth: The Scanner for the scanner API details. We now have a parser number_parser_p that we can use just like any other Spirit parser. Example:
r = number_parser_p >> *(',' >> number_parser_p);
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License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at