Qt Quick 3D - Principled Material Example
// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause import QtQuick import QtQuick.Controls import QtQuick.Layouts import QtQuick3D // qmllint disable missing-property // Disabling missing-property because the targetMaterial property // will either be a PrincipaledMaterial or SpecularGlossyMaterial // but the shared properties are not part of the common base class ScrollView { id: rootView required property Material targetMaterial required property Model linesModel required property Model pointsModel property bool specularGlossyMode: false ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff width: availableWidth ColumnLayout { width: rootView.availableWidth MarkdownLabel { text: `# Special Stuff The content in this section is as titled \"Special\" because you should really only use this stuff for fairly specific reasons. ## Lighting Mode The lighting mode property defines how the material handles the shading of lights. The default mode is *Fragment Lighting* which perform all light shading in the fragment shader porsion of the graphics pipeline. In this case all both image based lighting as well as any punctual lights are used to shade the material. The other case *No Lighting* which ignores all light sources in the scene and the material is rendered without shading. This mode can be useful with models that should not be shaded, for example tools (gizmos) inside of a 3D editor. ` } ComboBox { id: lightingComboBox textRole: "text" valueRole: "value" implicitContentWidthPolicy: ComboBox.WidestText onActivated: rootView.targetMaterial.lighting = currentValue Component.onCompleted: currentIndex = indexOfValue(rootView.targetMaterial.lighting) model: [ { value: PrincipledMaterial.NoLighting, text: "No Lighting"}, { value: PrincipledMaterial.FragmentLighting, text: "Fragment Lighting"} ] } VerticalSectionSeparator {} MarkdownLabel { text: `## Non Triangle Primitive Sizes Generally if you use the Mesh file format baked by balsam, or the runtime loader for loading glTF2 scenes, the geometry primitive will be individual triangles, so these properties are not useful. However it is possible to create your own mesh geometry where the primitive is instead either Points or Lines, and in these cases it is possible to change the size of these primitives when rendered. These properties will only have an affect on a material when the geometry primitive is set to Line or Point respectively. The behavior of these properties will depend on which graphics API the is being used, and is possible that they will do nothing at all.` } Button { text: checked ? "Hide Wireframe Model" : "Show Wireframe Model" checkable: true checked: rootView.linesModel.visible onClicked: { rootView.linesModel.visible = !rootView.linesModel.visible } } RowLayout { Label { text: "Line Width (" + rootView.targetMaterial.lineWidth.toFixed(2) + ")" Layout.fillWidth: true } Slider { from: 0 to: 25 value: rootView.targetMaterial.lineWidth onValueChanged: rootView.targetMaterial.lineWidth = value } } Button { text: checked ? "Hide Point Cloud" : "Show Point Cloud" checkable: true checked: rootView.pointsModel.visible onClicked: { rootView.pointsModel.visible = !rootView.pointsModel.visible } } RowLayout { Label { text: "Point Size (" + rootView.targetMaterial.pointSize.toFixed(2) + ")" Layout.fillWidth: true } Slider { from: 0 to: 25 value: rootView.targetMaterial.pointSize onValueChanged: rootView.targetMaterial.pointSize = value } } ColumnLayout { visible: !rootView.specularGlossyMode VerticalSectionSeparator {} MarkdownLabel { text: `## Specular Overrides If you are using this material for Physically Based Rendering (PBR) then these properties should not be touched as they are not energy conserving and will make materials look less realistic. These exist for adjusting the material for artistic or stylistic reasons.` } MarkdownLabel { text: `### Specular Amount This Specular Amount property controls the strength of specularity (highlights and reflections) of a dielectric material (non-metallic). Normally this should be left at 1.0, but can be adjusted to reduce the specularity. Adjusting this property will not affect reflections caused by Image Based Lighting.` } RowLayout { Label { text: "Specular Amount (" + rootView.targetMaterial.specularAmount.toFixed(2) + ")" Layout.fillWidth: true } Slider { from: 0 to: 1 value: rootView.targetMaterial.specularAmount onValueChanged: rootView.targetMaterial.specularAmount = value } } MarkdownLabel { text: `### Specular Tint The Specular Tint property defines how much of the Base Color of the material contributes to specular reflections. This property only has an affect with dielectric materials (non-metallic) as metallic material's specular reflections are already primarily tinted by the materials base color. This property allows the Base Color to also tint the specular reflections for dielectrics as well for artistic reasons.` } RowLayout { Label { text: "Specular Tint (" + rootView.targetMaterial.specularTint.toFixed(2) + ")" Layout.fillWidth: true } Slider { from: 0 to: 1 value: rootView.targetMaterial.specularTint onValueChanged: rootView.targetMaterial.specularTint = value } } MarkdownLabel { text: `### Specular Map The Specular Map property defines color (RGB) texture to modulate the amount and the color of specularity across the surface of the material. These values are multiplied by the Specular Amount property. This property will only have an affect if the material is a dielectric (non-metallic).` } TextureSourceControl { defaultClearColor: "black" defaultTexture: "maps/metallic/metallic.jpg" onTargetTextureChanged: { rootView.targetMaterial.specularMap = targetTexture } } MarkdownLabel { text: `### Specular Reflection Map The Specular Reflection Map property is for providing a static environment map for cheap reflection calculations. Unlike most properties which take textures in PrincipledMaterial, this property requires the source Texture to use the EnvironmentMap mapping mode to look correct. In addition this means that the source image file should be an equirectangular projection. This is an alternative to using Imaged Based Lighting via lightProbes to get static reflections.` } TextureSourceControl { defaultClearColor: "black" defaultTexture: "maps/small_envmap.jpg" envMapMode: true onTargetTextureChanged: { rootView.targetMaterial.specularReflectionMap = targetTexture } } } } } // qmllint enable missing-property