CMP0018 ------- Ignore ``CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_<Lang>_FLAGS`` variable. CMake 2.8.8 and lower compiled sources in ``SHARED`` and ``MODULE`` libraries using the value of the undocumented ``CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_<Lang>_FLAGS`` platform variable. The variable contained platform-specific flags needed to compile objects for shared libraries. Typically it included a flag such as ``-fPIC`` for position independent code but also included other flags needed on certain platforms. CMake 2.8.9 and higher prefer instead to use the :prop_tgt:`POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE` target property to determine what targets should be position independent, and new undocumented platform variables to select flags while ignoring ``CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_<Lang>_FLAGS`` completely. The default for either approach produces identical compilation flags, but if a project modifies ``CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_<Lang>_FLAGS`` from its original value this policy determines which approach to use. The ``OLD`` behavior for this policy is to ignore the :prop_tgt:`POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE` property for all targets and use the modified value of ``CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_<Lang>_FLAGS`` for ``SHARED`` and ``MODULE`` libraries. The ``NEW`` behavior for this policy is to ignore ``CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_<Lang>_FLAGS`` whether it is modified or not and honor the :prop_tgt:`POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE` target property. .. |INTRODUCED_IN_CMAKE_VERSION| replace:: 2.8.9 .. |WARNS_OR_DOES_NOT_WARN| replace:: warns .. include:: STANDARD_ADVICE.txt .. include:: DEPRECATED.txt