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A discriminated union container on some set of types is defined by
instantiating the boost::variant
template with the desired types. These types are called
bounded types and are subject to the
requirements of the
concept. Any number of bounded types may be specified, up to some
implementation-defined limit (see
For example, the following declares a discriminated union container on
and std::string
< int, std::string > v;
By default, a variant
default-constructs its first
bounded type, so v
initially contains int(0)
. If
this is not desired, or if the first bounded type is not
default-constructible, a variant
can be constructed
directly from any value convertible to one of its bounded types. Similarly,
a variant
can be assigned any value convertible to one of its
bounded types, as demonstrated in the following:
v = "hello";
Now v
contains a std::string
equal to
. We can demonstrate this by
streaming v
to standard
std::cout << v << std::endl;
Usually though, we would like to do more with the content of a
than streaming. Thus, we need some way to access the
contained value. There are two ways to accomplish this:
, which is safest
and very powerful, and
, which is
sometimes more convenient to use.
For instance, suppose we wanted to concatenate to the string contained
in v
. With value retrieval
by get
, this may be accomplished
quite simply, as seen in the following:
std::string& str = boost::get
str += " world! ";
As desired, the std::string
contained by v
is equal to "hello world! "
. Again, we can demonstrate this by
streaming v
to standard output:
std::cout << v << std::endl;
While use of get
is perfectly acceptable in this trivial
example, get
generally suffers from several significant
shortcomings. For instance, if we were to write a function accepting a
variant<int, std::string>
, we would not know whether
the passed variant
contained an int
or a
. If we insisted upon continued use of
, we would need to query the variant
for its
contained type. The following function, which "doubles" the
content of the given variant
, demonstrates this approach:
void times_two( boost::variant< int, std::string > & operand ) { if ( int* pi =boost::get
<int>( &operand ) ) *pi *= 2; else if ( std::string* pstr =boost::get
<std::string>( &operand ) ) *pstr += *pstr; }
However, such code is quite brittle, and without careful attention will
likely lead to the introduction of subtle logical errors detectable only at
runtime. For instance, consider if we wished to extend
to operate on a variant
with additional
bounded types. Specifically, let's add
to the set. Clearly, we would need
to at least change the function declaration:
void times_two( boost::variant< int, std::string, std::complex<double> > & operand ) { // as above...? }
Of course, additional changes are required, for currently if the passed
in fact contained a std::complex
would silently return -- without any of the desired
side-effects and without any error. In this case, the fix is obvious. But in
more complicated programs, it could take considerable time to identify and
locate the error in the first place.
Thus, real-world use of variant
typically demands an access
mechanism more robust than get
. For this reason,
supports compile-time checked
visitation via
. Visitation requires
that the programmer explicitly handle (or ignore) each bounded type. Failure
to do so results in a compile-time error.
Visitation of a variant
requires a visitor object. The
following demonstrates one such implementation of a visitor implementating
behavior identical to times_two
class times_two_visitor
: public boost::static_visitor
void operator()(int & i) const
i *= 2;
void operator()(std::string & str) const
str += str;
With the implementation of the above visitor, we can then apply it to
, as seen in the following:
( times_two_visitor(), v );
As expected, the content of v
is now a
equal to "hello world! hello world! "
(We'll skip the verification this time.)
In addition to enhanced robustness, visitation provides another
important advantage over get
: the ability to write generic
visitors. For instance, the following visitor will "double" the
content of any variant
(provided its
bounded types each support operator+=):
class times_two_generic
: public boost::static_visitor
template <typename T>
void operator()( T & operand ) const
operand += operand;
Again, apply_visitor
sets the wheels in motion:
( times_two_generic(), v );
While the initial setup costs of visitation may exceed that required for
, the benefits quickly become significant. Before concluding
this section, we should explore one last benefit of visitation with
delayed visitation. Namely, a special form
of apply_visitor
is available that does not immediately apply
the given visitor to any variant
but rather returns a function
object that operates on any variant
given to it. This behavior
is particularly useful when operating on sequences of variant
type, as the following demonstrates:
<int, std::string> > vec; vec.push_back( 21 ); vec.push_back( "hello " ); times_two_generic visitor; std::for_each( vec.begin(), vec.end() ,boost::apply_visitor
(visitor) );
This section discusses several features of the library often required
for advanced uses of variant
. Unlike in the above section, each
feature presented below is largely independent of the others. Accordingly,
this section is not necessarily intended to be read linearly or in its
While the variant
class template's variadic parameter
list greatly simplifies use for specific instantiations of the template,
it significantly complicates use for generic instantiations. For instance,
while it is immediately clear how one might write a function accepting a
specific variant
instantiation, say
variant<int, std::string>
, it is less clear how one
might write a function accepting any given variant
Due to the lack of support for true variadic template parameter lists
in the C++98 standard, the preprocessor is needed. While the
Preprocessor library provides a general and
powerful solution, the need to repeat
unnecessarily clutters otherwise simple code. Therefore, for common
use-cases, this library provides its own macro
This macro simplifies for the user the process of declaring
types in function templates or explicit partial
specializations of class templates, as shown in the following:
// general cases template <typename T> void some_func(const T &); template <typename T> class some_class; // function template overload template <BOOST_VARIANT_ENUM_PARAMS
(typename T)> void some_func(constboost::variant
(T)> &); // explicit partial specialization template <BOOST_VARIANT_ENUM_PARAMS
(typename T)> class some_class<boost::variant
(T)> >;
While convenient for typical uses, the variant
template's variadic template parameter list is limiting in two significant
dimensions. First, due to the lack of support for true variadic template
parameter lists in C++, the number of parameters must be limited to some
implementation-defined maximum (namely,
Second, the nature of parameter lists in general makes compile-time
manipulation of the lists excessively difficult.
To solve these problems,
make_variant_over< Sequence >
exposes a variant
whose bounded types are the elements of
(where Sequence
is any type fulfilling
the requirements of MPL's
Sequence concept). For instance,
< std::string > types_initial; typedefmpl::push_front
< types_initial, int >::type types;boost::make_variant_over
< types >::type v1;
behaves equivalently to
< int, std::string > v2;
Portability: Unfortunately, due to
standard conformance issues in several compilers,
is not universally available. On these
compilers the library indicates its lack of support for the syntax via the
definition of the preprocessor symbol
Recursive types facilitate the construction of complex semantics from simple syntax. For instance, nearly every programmer is familiar with the canonical definition of a linked list implementation, whose simple definition allows sequences of unlimited length:
template <typename T> struct list_node { T data; list_node * next; };
The nature of variant
as a generic class template
unfortunately precludes the straightforward construction of recursive
types. Consider the following attempt to construct
a structure for simple mathematical expressions:
struct add;
struct sub;
template <typename OpTag> struct binary_op;
typedef boost::variant
, binary_op<add>
, binary_op<sub>
> expression;
template <typename OpTag>
struct binary_op
expression left; // variant instantiated here...
expression right;
binary_op( const expression & lhs, const expression & rhs )
: left(lhs), right(rhs)
}; // ...but binary_op not complete until here!
While well-intentioned, the above approach will not compile because
is still incomplete when the variant
type expression
is instantiated. Further, the approach suffers
from a more significant logical flaw: even if C++ syntax were different
such that the above example could be made to "work,"
would need to be of infinite size, which is
clearly impossible.
To overcome these difficulties, variant
includes special
support for the
template, which breaks the circular dependency at the heart of these
problems. Further,
a more convenient syntax for declaring recursive variant
types. Tutorials for use of these facilities is described in
the section called “Recursive types with recursive_wrapper
” and
the section called “Recursive types with make_recursive_variant
The following example demonstrates how recursive_wrapper
could be used to solve the problem presented in
the section called “Recursive variant
< int ,boost::recursive_wrapper
< binary_op<add> > ,boost::recursive_wrapper
< binary_op<sub> > > expression;
Because variant
provides special support for
, clients may treat the resultant
as though the wrapper were not present. This is seen
in the implementation of the following visitor, which calculates the value
of an expression
without any reference to
class calculator : publicboost::static_visitor<int>
{ public: int operator()(int value) const { return value; } int operator()(const binary_op<add> & binary) const { returnboost::apply_visitor
( calculator(), binary.left ) +boost::apply_visitor
( calculator(), binary.right ); } int operator()(const binary_op<sub> & binary) const { returnboost::apply_visitor
( calculator(), binary.left ) -boost::apply_visitor
( calculator(), binary.right ); } };
Finally, we can demonstrate expression
in action:
void f()
// result = ((7-3)+8) = 12
expression result(
, 8
assert( boost::apply_visitor
(calculator(),result) == 12 );
Performance: boost::recursive_wrapper
has no empty state, which makes its move constructor not very optimal. Consider using std::unique_ptr
or some other safe pointer for better performance on C++11 compatible compilers.
For some applications of recursive variant
types, a user
may be able to sacrifice the full flexibility of using
with variant
for the following
convenient syntax:
typedef boost::make_recursive_variant
, std::vector< boost::recursive_variant_ >
>::type int_tree_t;
Use of the resultant variant
type is as expected:
std::vector< int_tree_t > subresult; subresult.push_back(3); subresult.push_back(5); std::vector< int_tree_t > result; result.push_back(1); result.push_back(subresult); result.push_back(7); int_tree_t var(result);
To be clear, one might represent the resultant content of
as ( 1 ( 3 5 ) 7 )
Finally, note that a type sequence can be used to specify the bounded
types of a recursive variant
via the use of
whose semantics are the same as make_variant_over
(which is
described in the section called “Using a type sequence to specify bounded types”).
Portability: Unfortunately, due to
standard conformance issues in several compilers,
is not universally supported. On these
compilers the library indicates its lack of support via the definition
of the preprocessor symbol
Thus, unless working with highly-conformant compilers, maximum portability
will be achieved by instead using recursive_wrapper
, as
described in
the section called “Recursive types with recursive_wrapper
As the tutorial above demonstrates, visitation is a powerful mechanism
for manipulating variant
content. Binary visitation further
extends the power and flexibility of visitation by allowing simultaneous
visitation of the content of two different variant
Notably this feature requires that binary visitors are incompatible with the visitor objects discussed in the tutorial above, as they must operate on two arguments. The following demonstrates the implementation of a binary visitor:
class are_strict_equals
: public boost::static_visitor
template <typename T, typename U>
bool operator()( const T &, const U & ) const
return false; // cannot compare different types
template <typename T>
bool operator()( const T & lhs, const T & rhs ) const
return lhs == rhs;
As expected, the visitor is applied to two variant
arguments by means of apply_visitor
< int, std::string > v1( "hello" );boost::variant
< double, std::string > v2( "hello" ); assert(boost::apply_visitor
(are_strict_equals(), v1, v2) );boost::variant
< int, const char * > v3( "hello" ); assert( !boost::apply_visitor
(are_strict_equals(), v1, v3) );
Finally, we must note that the function object returned from the
"delayed" form of
also supports
binary visitation, as the following demonstrates:
<double, std::string> my_variant; std::vector< my_variant > seq1; seq1.push_back("pi is close to "); seq1.push_back(3.14); std::list< my_variant > seq2; seq2.push_back("pi is close to "); seq2.push_back(3.14); are_strict_equals visitor; assert( std::equal( seq1.begin(), seq1.end(), seq2.begin() ,boost::apply_visitor
( visitor ) ) );
Multi visitation extends the power and flexibility of visitation by allowing simultaneous
visitation of the content of three and more different variant
objects. Note that header for multi visitors shall be included separately.
Notably this feature requires that multi visitors are incompatible
with the visitor objects discussed in the tutorial above, as they must
operate on same amout of arguments that was passed to apply_visitor
The following demonstrates the implementation of a multi visitor for three parameters:
#include <boost/variant/multivisitors.hpp> typedefboost::variant
<int, double, bool> bool_like_t; typedefboost::variant
<int, double> arithmetics_t; struct if_visitor: publicboost::static_visitor
<arithmetics_t> { template <class T1, class T2> arithmetics_t operator()(bool b, T1 v1, T2 v2) const { if (b) { return v1; } else { return v2; } } };
As expected, the visitor is applied to three variant
arguments by means of apply_visitor
bool_like_t v0(true), v1(1), v2(2.0);
(if_visitor(), v0, v1, v2)