<typename T>
coordinate_type get(const T& interval, direction_1d) |
Expects a model of
interval. Returns the low or high coordinate of the interval,
depending on the direction_1d value.
<typename T, typename coordinate_type>
void set(T& interval, direction_1d, coordinate_type) |
Expects a model of
interval. Sets the low or high coordinate of the interval
to the coordinate, depending on the direction_1d value. If low
would be greater than high after this change then both are set to the
input coordinate value. |
<typename T>
T construct(coordinate_type low, coordinate_type high) |
Construct an object that is a model of interval given
low and high coordinate values. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
T1& assign(T1& left, const T2& right) |
Copies data from right object that models interval into
left object that models interval. |
<typename T, typename T2>
bool equivalence(const T& interval1, const T2&
interval2) |
Given two objects that model interval, compares and
returns true if their low and high values are respectively equal to
each other. |
<typename T>
bool contains(const T&, coordinate_type,
bool consider_touch=true) |
Given an object that models interval and a coordinate,
returns true if the interval contains the coordinate. If the
consider_touch flag is true will return true if the coordinate is equal
to one of the interval ends. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
bool contains(const T1& a, const T2& b,
bool consider_touch = true) |
Returns true if model of interval a contains both ends
of model of interval b. If the consider_touch flag is true will
consider the end of b contained within a even if it is equal to an end
of a. |
<typename interval_type>
coordinate_type low(const interval_type& interval) |
Returns the low end of an object that models interval. |
<typename interval_type>
coordinate_type high(const interval_type& interval) |
Returns the high end of an object that models interval. |
// get the center
template <typename interval_type>
coordinate_type center(const interval_type& interval) |
Returns the center coordinate of an object that models
interval. |
<typename interval_type>
void low(interval_type& interval, coordinate_type ) |
Sets the low end of the object that models interval to
the coordinate value. If the low end would be set to larger than
high end then both are set to the coordinate value. |
<typename interval_type>
void high(interval_type& interval, coordinate_type ) |
Sets the high end of the object that models interval to
the coordinate value. If the high end would be set to less than
low end then both are set to the coordinate value. |
<typename interval_type>
coordinate_difference delta(const interval_type& interval) |
Returns the distance from low to high end of an object
that models interval. |
<typename interval_type>
interval_type& flip(interval_type& interval,
coordinate_type axis = 0) |
Flips an object that models interval about the axis
coordinate. If no axis is provided the interval is flipped across
the the origin. |
<typename interval_type>
interval_type& scale_up(interval_type& interval,
unsigned_area_type factor) |
Multiplies low and high ends of an object that models
interval by unsigned factor. |
<typename interval_type>
interval_type& scale_down(interval_type& interval,
unsigned_area_type factor) |
Divides low and high ends of an object that models
interval by unsigned factor. |
<typename interval_type>
interval_type& scale(interval_type& interval,
double factor) |
Multiplies low and high ends of an object that models
interval by floating point value. |
<typename interval_type>
interval_type& move(interval_type& interval,
coordinate_difference displacement) |
Adds displacement value to low and high ends of an
object that models interval. |
<typename interval_type>
interval_type& convolve(interval_type& interval,
coordinate_type b) |
Adds coordinate value to low and high ends of an object
that models interval. |
<typename interval_type>
interval_type& deconvolve(interval_type& interval,
coordinate_type b) |
Subtracts coordinate value from low and high ends of an
object that models interval. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
T1& convolve(T1& a, const T2& b) |
Adds low end of b to low end of a and adds high end of
b to high end of a. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
T1& deconvolve(T1& a, const T2& b) |
Subtracts low end of b from low end of a and subtracts
high end of b from high end of a. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
T1& reflected_convolve(T1& a, const T2& b) |
Adds high end of b to low end of a and adds low end of
b to high end of a. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
T1& reflected_deconvolve(T1& a, const T2& b) |
Subtracts high end of b from low end of a and subtracts
low end of b from high end of a. |
<typename T>
coordinate_difference euclidean_distance(const T&,
coordinate_type) |
Returns the distance from an object that models
interval to a coordinate. Returns zero if the coordinate is equal
to an end of the interval or contained within the interval. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
bool intersects(const T1& interval, const T2& b,
bool consider_touch = true) |
Returns true if two objects that model interval
overlap. If the consider_touch flag is true touching at the
endpoints is considered overlap. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
bool boundaries_intersect(const T1& interval, const T2&
bool consider_touch = true) |
Returns true is two objects that model interval
partially overlap such that one end point of each is contained within
the other. If the consider_touch flag is true a coordinate is
considered contained even if it is equal to an end. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
bool abuts(const T1& a, const T2& b,
direction_1d dir) |
Returns true if interval b abuts but down not overlap
interval a on the end of interval a specified by dir. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
bool abuts(const T1& a, const T2& b) |
Returns true if interval b abuts but down not overlap
interval a. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
bool intersect(T1& a, const T2& b,
bool consider_touch = true) |
Sets interval a to the intersection of interval a and
interval b and return true. If the two intervals do not intersect
interval a is unchanged and the function returns false. If the
flag consider_touch is true intervals that abut are considered to
intersect. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
T& generalized_intersect(T1& a, const T2& b) |
Same as intersect, but if they do not intersect set a
to the interval between a and b. |
<typename T>
T& bloat(T& interval, coordinate_type) |
Adds the coordinate value to high end of interval and
subtracts it from low end of interval. |
<typename T>
T& bloat(T& interval, direction_1d, coordinate_type) |
Adds the coordinate value to high end of interval or
subtracts it from low end of interval depending on the direction_1d. |
<typename T>
T& shrink(T& interval, coordinate_type) |
Subtracts the coordinate value from high end of
interval and adds it to low end of interval. |
<typename T>
T& shrink(T& interval, direction_1d, coordinate_type) |
Subtracts the coordinate value from high end of
interval or adds it to low end of interval depending on the
direction_1d. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
bool encompass(T1& a, const T2& b) |
Sets low of a to min of low of a and low of b and sets
high of a to max of high of a and high of b. Returns true if b
was not contained within a to begin with. |
<typename T>
bool encompass(T& a, coordinate_type) |
Sets low of a to min of low of a and coordinate value
and sets high of a to max of high of a and coordinate value.
Returns true if coordinate value was not contained within a to begin
with. |