<typename T>
interval_type get(const T& rectangle, orientation_2d) |
Expects a model of
rectangle. Returns the x interval or y interval of the rectangle,
depending on the orientation_2d value.
<typename T, typename coordinate_type>
void set(T& rectangle, orientation_2d, coordinate_type) |
Expects a model of
rectangle. Sets the x interval or y interval of the
rectangle to the coordinate, depending on the orientation_2d value. |
<typename T>
interval_type get(const T& rectangle, orientation_2d,
direction_1d) |
a model of rectangle. Returns the coordinate specificed by the
direction_1d value of the x interval or y interval of the rectangle,
depending on the orientation_2d value.
<typename T, typename coordinate_type>
void set(T& rectangle, orientation_2d, direction_1d,
coordinate_type) |
Expects a model of
rectangle. Sets the coordinate specified by the
direction_1d value of the x interval or y interval of the rectangle to
the coordinate, depending on the orientation_2d value. |
<typename T, typename T2>
T construct(const T2& h, const T2& v) |
Construct an object that is a model of rectangle given
x interval and y intervals. |
<typename T, typename T2>
T construct(coordinate_type xl, coordinate_type yl,
coordinate_type xh, coordinate_type yh) |
Construct an object that is a model of rectangle given
four coordinate values. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
T1& assign(T1& left, const T2& right) |
Copies data from right object that models rectangle
into left object that models rectangle. |
<typename T, typename T2>
bool equivalence(const T& rectangle1,
const T2& rectangle2) |
Given two objects that model rectangle, compares and
returns true if their x and y intervals are respectively equivalent. |
<typename T, typename point_type>
bool contains(const T&, const point_type& point,
bool consider_touch=true) |
Given an object that models rectangle and an object
that models point, returns true if the rectangle contains the
point. If the consider_touch flag is true will return true if the
point lies along the boundary of the rectangle. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
bool contains(const T1& a, const T2& b,
bool consider_touch = true) |
Returns true if model of rectangle a contains both
intervals of model of rectangle b. If the consider_touch flag is
true will consider rectangle b contained even if it touches the
boundary of a. |
<typename T>
interval_type horizontal(const T& rectangle) |
Returns the x interval of an object that models
rectangle. |
<typename T>
interval_type vertical(const T& rectangle) |
Returns the y interval of an object that models
rectangle. |
<typename T>
coordinate_type xl(const T& rectangle) |
Returns the west coordinate of an object that models
rectangle. |
<typename T>
coordinate_type xh(const T& rectangle) |
Returns the east coordinate of an object that models
rectangle. |
<typename T>
coordinate_type yl(const T& rectangle) |
Returns the south coordinate of an object that models
rectangle. |
<typename T>
coordinate_type yh(const T& rectangle) |
Returns the north coordinate of an object that models
rectangle. |
<typename T>
point_type ll(const T& rectangle) |
Returns the lower left corner point of an object that
models rectangle. |
<typename T>
point_type lr(const T& rectangle) |
Returns the lower right corner point of an object that
models rectangle. |
<typename T>
point_type ul(const T& rectangle) |
Returns the upper left corner point of an object that
models rectangle. |
<typename T>
point_type ur(const T& rectangle) |
Returns the upper right corner point of an object that
models rectangle. |
// get the center
template <typename T, typename point_type>
void center(point_type& p, const T& rectangle) |
Sets object that models point to the center point of an
object that models rectangle. |
<typename T, typename interval_type>
void horizontal(T& rectangle, const interval_type& i) |
Sets the x interval of the object that models rectangle
to be equal to the value of an object that models interval. |
<typename T, typename interval_type>
void vertical(T& rectangle, const interval_type& i ) |
Sets the y interval of the object that models rectangle
to be equal to the value of an object that models interval. |
<typename rectangle_type>
void xl(rectangle_type& rectangle, coordinate_type ) |
Sets the west coordinate of the object that models
rectangle to be equal to the coordinate value. |
<typename rectangle_type>
void xh(rectangle_type& rectangle, coordinate_type ) |
Sets the east coordinate of the object that models
rectangle to be equal to the coordinate value. |
<typename rectangle_type>
void yl(rectangle_type& rectangle, coordinate_type ) |
Sets the south coordinate of the object that models
rectangle to be equal to the coordinate value. |
<typename rectangle_type>
void yh(rectangle_type& rectangle, coordinate_type ) |
Sets the north coordinate of the object that models
rectangle to be equal to the coordinate value. |
<typename T, typename T1, typename T2>
T& set_points(T& rectangle, const T1& p1, const
T2& p2) |
Sets the rectangle to the rectangle fully described by
the points p1 and p2. |
<typename T>
coordinate_difference delta(const T& rectangle,
orientation_2d) |
Returns the delta of the interval specified by
orientation_2d of an object that models rectangle. |
<typename T>
manhattan_area_type area(const T& rectangle) |
Returns the area of an object that models rectangle. |
<typename T>
coordinate_difference half_perimeter(const T& rectangle) |
Returns the length plus width of an object that models
rectangle. |
<typename T>
coordinate_difference perimeter(const T& rectangle) |
Returns the perimeter length of an object that models
rectangle. |
<typename T>
orientation_2d quess_orientation(const T& rectangle) |
Returns the orientation in which the rectangle has a
longer delta. Returns HORIZONTAL if the rectangle is a square. |
<typename rectangle_type>
rectangle_type& transform(rectangle_type& rectangle,
coordinate_type axis = 0) |
Applies transform() on the two points that fully
describe the rectangle and sets the rectangle to that described by the
result of transforming those points. |
<typename rectangle_type>
rectangle_type& scale_up(rectangle_type& rectangle,
unsigned_area_type factor) |
Scales up x interval and y interval of an object
that models rectangle by unsigned factor. |
<typename rectangle_type>
rectangle_type& scale_down(rectangle_type& rectangle,
unsigned_area_type factor) |
Scales down x interval and y interval of an
object that models rectangle by unsigned factor. |
<typename rectangle_type, scaling_type>
rectangle_type& scale(rectangle_type& rectangle,
const scaling_type& scaling) |
Applies scale() on the two points that fully describe
the rectangle and sets the rectangle to that described by the result of
transforming those points. |
<typename T>
T& move(T& rectangle, orientation_2d,
displacement) |
Adds displacement value to interval indicated by
orientation_2d of an object that models rectangle. |
<typename rectangle_type, typename point_type>
rectangle_type& convolve(rectangle_type& rectangle,
const point_type& point) |
Convolves coordinate values of point with x interval
and y interval of an object that models rectangle. |
<typename rectangle_type, typename point_type>
rectangle_type& deconvolve(rectangle_type& rectangle,
const point_type& point) |
Deconvolves coordinate values of point withx interval
and y interval of an object that models rectangle. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
T1& convolve(T1& a, const T2& b) |
Convolves x interval of b with x interval
of a and convolves y interval of b with y interval of a. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
T1& deconvolve(T1& a, const T2& b) |
Deconvolves x interval of b with x interval
of a and deconvolves y interval of b with y interval of a. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
T1& reflected_convolve(T1& a, const T2& b) |
Reflected convolves y interval of b with x
interval of a and reflected convolves x interval of b with
y interval of a. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
T1& reflected_deconvolve(T1& a, const T2& b) |
Reflected deconvolves y interval of b with x
interval of a and reflected deconvolves x interval of b
with y interval of a. |
<typename T, typename point_type>
coordinate_difference euclidean_distance(const T&,
const point_type& point,
orienation_2d) |
Returns the distance from an object that models
rectangle to an object that models point along the given
orientation. Returns zero if the point is contained within the
rectangle along that orientation. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
coordinate_difference euclidean_distance(const T1& a,
const T2& b, orienation_2d) |
Returns the distance from an object that models
rectangle to an object that models rectangle along the given
orientation. Returns zero if the intervals of the rectangles
overlap along that orientation. |
<typename T, typename point_type>
coordinate_difference square_euclidean_distance(const T&,
const point_type& point) |
Returns the square of the Euclidean distance between a
point and a rectangle. Returns zero if the point is contained
within the rectangle. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
coordinate_difference square_euclidean_distance
(const T1& a, const T2& b) |
Returns the square of the Euclidean distance between
rectangles a and b. Returns zero if the rectangles intersect. |
<typename T, typename point_type>
coordinate_difference manhattan_distance(const T&,
const point_type& point) |
Returns the Manhattan distance between a point and a
rectangle. Returns zero if the point is contained within the
rectangle. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
coordinate_difference manhattan_distance(const T1& a,
const T2& b) |
Returns the Manhattan distance between rectangles a and
b. Returns zero if the rectangles intersect. |
<typename T, typename point_type>
coordinate_distance euclidean_distance(const T&,
const point_type& point) |
Returns the Euclidean distance between a point and a
rectangle. Returns zero if the point is contained within the
rectangle. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
coordinate_distance euclidean_distance(const T1& a,
const T2& b) |
Returns the Euclidean distance between rectangles a and
b. Returns zero if the rectangles intersect. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
bool intersects(const T1& a, const T2& b,
bool consider_touch = true) |
Returns true if two objects that model rectangle
overlap. If the consider_touch flag is true touching at the sides
or corners is considered overlap. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
bool boundaries_intersect(const T1& a, const T2& b,
bool consider_touch = true) |
Returns true is two objects that model rectangle
partially overlap such that one there is an intersection between the
edges of the two rectangles If the consider_touch flag is true a
coordinate is considered contained even if the two rectangles touch
only along a side or corner. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
bool abuts(const T1& a, const T2& b,
direction_2d dir) |
Returns true if rectangle b abuts but down not overlap
rectangle a on the side of rectangle a specified by dir. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
bool abuts(const T1& a, const T2& b,
orientation_2d) |
Returns true if rectangle b abuts but down not overlap
rectangle a on either side of rectangle a specified by the
orientation_2d. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
bool abuts(const T1& a, const T2& b) |
Returns true if rectangle b abuts but down not overlap
rectangle a on any side. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
bool intersect(T1& a, const T2& b, orientation_2d
bool consider_touch = true) |
Sets rectangle a to the intersection of rectangle a and
interval b along the orientation_2d and returns true. If the does
not intersect the interval, the rectangle is unchanged and the function
returns false. If the flag consider_touch is true intervals that
abut are considered to intersect. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
bool intersect(T1& a, const T2& b,
bool consider_touch = true) |
Sets rectangle a to the intersection of rectangle a and
rectangle b and return true. If the two rectangles do not
intersect rectangle a is unchanged and the function returns
false. If the flag consider_touch is true rectangles that abut
are considered to intersect. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
T& generalized_intersect(T1& a, const T2& b) |
Same as intersect, but if they do not intersect set a
to the rectangle between a and b by applying generalized_intersect() on
the intervals of the rectangles. |
<typename T>
T& bloat(T& rectangle, coordinate_type) |
Bloats x and y intervals of rectangle by coordinate
value. |
<typename T>
T& bloat(T& rectangle, direction_2d, coordinate_type) |
Bloats side of rectangle specified by direction_2d by
coordinate value. |
<typename T>
T& bloat(T& rectangle, orientation_2d, coordinate_type) |
Bloats interval of rectangle specified by
orientation_2d by coordinate value. |
<typename T>
T& shrink(T& rectangle, coordinate_type) |
Shrinks x and y intervals of rectangle by coordinate
value. |
<typename T>
T& shrink(T& rectangle, direction_2d, coordinate_type) |
Shrinks side of rectangle specified by direction_2d by
coordinate value. |
<typename T>
T& shrink(T& rectangle, orientation_2d, coordinate_type) |
Shrinks interval of rectangle specified by
orientation_2d by coordinate value. |
<typename T1, typename T2>
bool encompass(T1& a, const T2& b) |
The x and y intervals of a are set to encompass the x
and y intervals of b respectively. |
<typename T, typename point_type>
bool encompass(T& rectangle, const point_type& point) |
The x and y intervals of rectangle are set to encompass
the x and y coordinates of point respectively. |
<typename T, typename interval_type>
bool encompass(T& rectangle, const interval_type& i,
orientation_2d) |
The interval of rectangle specified by orientation_2d
is set to encompass the interval i. |
<typename T, typename point_type>
bool get_corner(point_type& point, const T&
direction_2d, direction_1d) |
Sets point to the corner of the rectangle you reach if
you look at its side specified by direction_2d from within the
rectangle and turn in the direction_1d direction (low == left, high =
right). Always returns true. |