EntityLoader QML Type

Provides a way to dynamically load an Entity subtree. More...

Import Statement: import Qt3D.Core 2.7



Detailed Description

An EntityLoader provides the facitily to load predefined set of entities from qml source file. EntityLoader itself is an entity and the loaded entity tree is set as a child of the loader. The loaded entity tree root can be accessed with EntityLoader::entity property.

 EntityLoader {
     id: loader
     source: "./SphereEntity.qml"

Property Documentation

entity : QtQml::QtObject [read-only]

Holds the loaded entity tree root.

This property allows access to the content of the loader. It references either a valid Entity object if the status property equals EntityLoader.Ready, it is equal to null otherwise.

source : url

Holds the source url.

status : Status

Holds the status of the entity loader.