What's New in Qt 6.0

Build System Changes in Qt 6

Building Qt from sources now requires CMake and Ninja. See Build System Changes in Qt 6 for more details on this and other changes in configure.

Changes to Supported Modules

Qt 6.0 is streamlined compared to Qt 5 and some modules are no longer in the default installation of Qt 6.0. Because of the modularized structure of Qt, new modules or previous Qt 5 modules may appear in future releases of Qt 6. For more information, visit the All Modules page.

The Changes to Qt Modules in Qt 6 has a list of API changes.

New Modules in Qt 6.0

The following are new modules in Qt 6.0.

Removed Modules in Qt 6.0

The following are Qt 5 modules that are not in Qt 6.0. They may be re-introduced in a future release of Qt 6.

Qt Android ExtrasandroidextrasSee Changes to Qt Extras Modules
Qt Bluetoothbluetooth
Qt Chartscharts
Qt Data Visualizationdatavisualization
Qt Graphical Effectsonly QML types
Qt Locationlocation
Qt Mac ExtrasmacextrasSee Changes to Qt Extras Modules
Qt Multimediamultimedia
Qt Multimedia Widgetsmultimediawidgets
Qt NFCnfc
Qt Positioningpositioning
Qt Purchasingpurchasing
Qt Quick ExtrasMerged into Qt Quick Controls
Qt Remote Objectsremoteobjects
Qt Scriptqtscript
Qt SCXMLscxml
Qt Script Toolsscripttools
Qt Sensorssensors
Qt Serial Busserialbus
Qt Serial Portserialport
Qt Speechtexttospeech
Qt WebChannelwebchannel
Qt WebEnginewebenginecore
Qt WebSocketswebsockets
Qt WebViewwebview
Qt Windows ExtraswinextrasSee Changes to Qt Extras Modules
Qt X11 Extrasx11extrasSee Changes to Qt Extras Modules
Qt XML Patternsxmlpatterns

List of API Changes

These pages contain an overview of API changes in Qt 6.0: