MapItemGroup QML Type

The MapItemGroup type is a container for map items. More...

Import Statement: import QtLocation 6.7
Since: QtLocation 5.9

Detailed Description

Its purpose is to enable code modularization by allowing the usage of qml files containing map elements related to each other, and the associated bindings.

Note: The release of this API with Qt 5.9 is a Technology Preview.

Example Usage

The following snippet shows how to use a MapItemGroup to create a MapCircle, centered at the coordinate (63, -18) with a radius of 100km, filled in red, surrounded by an ondulated green border, both contained in a semitransparent blue circle with a MouseArea that moves the whole group. This group is defined in a separate file named PolygonGroup.qml:

 import QtQuick
 import QtPositioning
 import QtLocation

 MapItemGroup {
     id: itemGroup
     property alias position:
     property var radius: 100 * 1000
     property var borderHeightPct : 0.3

     MapCircle {
         id: mainCircle
         center : QtPositioning.coordinate(40, 0)
         radius: itemGroup.radius * (1.0 + borderHeightPct)
         opacity: 0.05
         visible: true
         color: 'blue'

             anchors.fill: parent
             id: maItemGroup

     MapCircle {
         id: groupCircle
         center: itemGroup.position
         radius: itemGroup.radius
         color: 'crimson'

         onCenterChanged: {

     MapPolyline {
         id: groupPolyline
         line.color: 'green'
         line.width: 3

         function populateBorder() {
             groupPolyline.path = [] // clearing the path
             var waveLength = 8.0;
             var waveAmplitude = groupCircle.radius * borderHeightPct;
             for (var i=0; i <= 360; i++) {
                 var wavePhase = (i/360.0 * 2.0 * Math.PI )* waveLength
                 var waveHeight = (Math.cos(wavePhase) + 1.0) / 2.0
                 groupPolyline.addCoordinate( + waveAmplitude * waveHeight , i))

         Component.onCompleted: {

PolygonGroup.qml is now a reusable component that can then be used in a Map as:

 Map {
     id: map
     PolygonGroup {
         id: polygonGroup
         position: QtPositioning.coordinate(63,-18)