WindowContainer QML Type

Allows embedding arbitrary QWindows into a Qt Quick scene. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick
Since: Qt 6.7


Status: Preliminary

This type is under development and is subject to change.


Detailed Description

The window will become a child of the item's window, with its position, size, z-order, etc. managed by the item.

Sibling items with a higher z-order than the window container will not automatically overlap the embedded window, as the window lives on top of the Qt Quick scene. To work around this, place the sibling items inside their own dedicated child window:

 Item {
     id: someItem
     WindowContainer {
         window: foreignWindow
     Window {
         parent: someItem
         Item {
             id: siblingItem

Similarly, child Items of the window container will not automatically overlap the embedded window. To work around this, place the child item inside a dedicated child window.

 Item {
     id: someItem
     WindowContainer {
         id: windowContainer
         window: foreignWindow
         Window {
             parent: windowContainer
             Item {
                 id: childItem

If positioning and sizing of a Window via anchors is required, the Window can be wrapped in a window container:

 Item {
     id: someItem
     WindowContainer {
         anchors.fill: parent
         window: Window {
             Item {

Note: The window container does not interoperate with QQuickWidget, QQuickWindow::setRenderTarget(), QQuickRenderControl, or similar functionality.

See also QtQuick::Window::parent.

Property Documentation

window : QWindow

This property holds the window to embed.