ParticleCustomShape3D QML Type

Loads custom particle shapes for emitters and affectors. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick3D.Particles3D
Since: Qt 6.3


Detailed Description

The ParticleCustomShape3D element can be used to load custom particle shapes.

For example, to emit particles from positions defined in heart.cbor:

 ParticleEmitter3D {
     shape: ParticleCustomShape3D {
         source: "heart.cbor"

The format of CBOR shape files is following:

   "QQ3D_SHAPE", // string
   version, // integer
     posX, // float
     posY, // float
     posZ, // float
     posX, // float

To assist in generating these shape files you can use the shapegen tool.

Property Documentation

randomizeData : bool

This property holds whether the particles are used in random order instead of in the order they are specified in the source.

The default value is false.

source : url

This property holds the location of the shape file.