The basic motivation behind the circular_buffer
was to create a container which would work seamlessly
with STL.
Additionally, the design of the circular_buffer
was guided by the following principles:
Maximum efficiency for envisaged applications.
Suitable for general purpose use.
The behaviour of the buffer as intuitive as possible.
Suitable for specialization by means of adaptors.
is such an example of the adaptor.)
Easy to debug. (See Debug Support for details.)
In order to achieve maximum efficiency, the circular_buffer
and circular_buffer_space_optimized
store their elements in a contiguous region of memory,
which then enables:
Use of fixed memory and no implicit or unexpected memory allocation.
Fast constant-time insertion and removal of elements from the front and
Fast constant-time random access of elements.
Suitability for real-time and performance critical applications.
Possible applications of the circular buffer include:
Storage of the most recently received samples, overwriting
the oldest as new samples arrive.
As an underlying container for a bounded buffer (see
the Bounded Buffer example, code at circular_buffer_bound_example.cpp).
A kind of cache storing a specified number of last
inserted elements.
Efficient fixed capacity FIFO (First In, First Out),
Efficient fixed capacity LIFO (Last In, First Out)
queue which removes the oldest (inserted as first) elements when full.