XYSeries QML Type

A parent type for all x & y series types. More...

Import Statement: import QtGraphs
Instantiates: QXYSeries


Inherited By:

LineSeries and ScatterSeries

Status: Technical Preview



Detailed Description

In XYSeries, data points are defined as a list of point types, defining X and Y positions.

Property Documentation

axisX : AbstractAxis

The x-axis used for the series. This should be ValueAxis.

See also axisY.

axisY : AbstractAxis

The y-axis used for the series. This should be ValueAxis.

See also axisX.

color : color

The main color of the series. For LineSeries this means the line color and for ScatterSeries the color of the point

markerSize : real

The size of the pointMarker in pixels when using a default circle as a marker. When using pointMarker, the size is defined by the pointMarker conponent.

pointMarker : Component

A custom QML Component used as a marker for data points.

selectedColor : color

The main color of the selected series. For LineSeries this means the line color and for ScatterSeries the color of the point

Signal Documentation

pointReplaced(int index)

This signal is emitted when a point is replaced at the position specified by index.

The corresponding signal handler is onPointReplaced().

Note: The corresponding handler is onPointReplaced.